Race Kingdom is a blockchain-powered NFT-based Metaverse racing game platform. Digital racing creatures like camels, horses and snails are rightfully called the breathing NFTs of the generation. Through blockchain-based genetics, they have unique traits, ancestry and statistics.
Distinctive Elements of Race Kingdom are listed below.
The camels are listed in the categories wise in the NFT marketplace. Interested investors can purchase in-game assets. The camels will be categorized into Classes 1-5 (with Class 1 being the highest and 5 being the lowest) and one class for unraced camels called Chappies.
The most important thing to understand about the virtual building is that a Legendary offspring can only be produced by two Genesis camels. It will assist in improving performance to win the race. There are four main build kinds in all, ranked by rarity. Ultra Rare (5%), Rare (15%), Uncommon (30%), Common (50%) are the categories. When computing the minimum building price, build types accounted for 20% of the total weight. It is undoubtedly unaffordable to carry out the building. Consumers will be required to spend a set amount of cryptocurrency.
The camels are ready to compete in the chappie race after they have been bred (first-ever race). The camels will then be divided into classes based on their performance in the race. There will be scheduled races that are held daily, weekly, and monthly, and come with enticing rewards. To unlock heat mode and start winning $ATOZ prizes, you will need to complete 10 training races.
All of the details for previous and upcoming events in the racing process are kept tracking.
The required details for updates and upgrades are scalability, adaptability, availability, scarcity, purity and rarity of the camels.

Game Mechanics
Create custom Race Kingdom avatars that are a representation of your truest self in the metaverse.
Camels are the money makers in the Race Kingdom. 50% of all revenue in racing comes from selling camels.
Estimation is based on the fact that camels aren’t consumable. They look great, new camel offers are presented to players via popups, camels should be priced at a higher price point and the player gets a very clear advantage for having a great camel. Also, the purchase flow for camels' offers is worth noting.
Fuel/Stamina is the primary driver of retention in camel racing. In the beginning, the player gets 5 races with a full bar but as the game progresses some of the races consume more than one Fuel point. One Fuel point reloads in 6 minutes so it takes 60 minutes till the Fuel bar is full again. Once the Fuel is reloaded you get a notification and you are back into the game.
Upgrading your camels is not only essential to succeed in races but also extremely addicting. You also need to have a lot of different parts in the shop! Box, engine, body, turbo, etc.
Every part has several stages and the next stage is more and more expensive. All the parts can be bought with cash and it usually takes you between 3 to 7 race wins to get enough money for the next part. In other words, almost every game session ends with you having a new part in your camel. Talk about a sense of achievement!
Each camel suffers a bit of damage after every race due to wear and tear as well as the elements of the race track. Each track has its own modifier to how the camel is affected by the track. A maintenance fee must be paid to the CyberStable master to repair and recuperate your camel.
A mode where the player gets to race with other camels other than the ones in her garage. In Daily races, players earn extra cash depending on how many Daily races the player has been doing in a row (how many days in a row the player has played). This feature is also perfect to promote premium races.
You can pay a parking fee to park your camel in a CyberStable for maintenance, modifications, and fuel recharge. You can also manufacture a new camel by crossing two camels in a CyberStable. A CyberStable is one of the most expensive investments in the game, but it assures constant income from other newer players using your facilities to keep their racing machines in full power. A Robostable comes with free space for 15 camels which can be upgraded later.
The game will support 8 tracks, with Dubai Road being the first initial release. With the expansion of the game post-launch, assets vital to the development of the game will be released to interested investors, consumers, and game developers to give the players the ability to vote and create their own tracks and communities within the game. Every track has a certified RNG that ensures fair play based on randomization created by game mechanics. Additionally, the game will be an unlimited arcade style so there will never be a moment of inaction.